Entering the 21st century, the World bank Group (WBG) combined support for poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with continued strategic focus on reform-oriented states. 

International Finance Corporation(IFC ) worked with the regulator to launch offshore and onshore masala/maharaja bonds, build regulatory processes and a yield curve through a series of issuances to address lack of long-tenor, local-currency market instruments. 

Through this instrument Indian entities accessed international capital markets without exposure to foreign exchange risks. 

IFC has used a variety of products including PPP and advisory services, and innovative products such as green bonds and treasury tools. Finally, IFC and the World Bank have contributed to developing the renewables energy (RE) market in India. 

IFC invested generation companies and financial intermediaries have contributed about 20% of the incremental renewable energy generation capacity in India over the last five years.

Deal  Sourcing and structuring of Infrastructure investment opportunities. 

Top 6 domains where developed nations apply mind 

    1. Transportation ..  connectivity to air & sea ports I inland waterways I bridges I E-public utilities
    1. Broadband & digital security . Blockchain  governance  I bridges 
    1. Energy & Power. … electrical power production and transmission that facilitate green energy technology
    1. Water & reuse technologies  .… saving and reuse equipping modernise technologies 
    1. Education  universities I accessibility  I global exchange programmes 
    1. Environmental Remediation.. reclaim contaminated land I  manage climate change I  clean rivers    

 Under the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP),, the world bank committed to increase climate finance target to 35% of total commitments over the next five years, align financing flows with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and achieve results that integrate climate and development. World Bank (IBRD/IDA) did zero new fossil fuel financing. and stopped investing in upstream oil and gas in 2019.”

Source I World Bank

Non Renewable 

“Tapping the rooftop solar market will be essential for India to meet its massive energy needs. The country has a lot of catching up to do – its per capita consumption of electricity is less than one third the world average.”

I Simon Stolp I Lead energy specialist I World Bank


big data analysis 

“The World Bank is the biggest multilateral funder of climate investments in developing countries. Between 2016 and 2021, the World Bank Group delivered over $109 billion in climate finance, including a record $26 billion in FY21.” Source I World Bank

“currently, the World Bank’s support to India is spread over 127 active projects with a combined worth of over $28 billion. Even so, the World Bank remains a small player in India’s nearly three trillion-dollar economy and lends less than one percent of the country’s GDP.”

“ Asian Development Bank (ADB) has committed 605 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totalling $52.6 billion to India. Cumulative loan and grant disbursements to India amount to $40.71 billion. These were financed by regular ordinary capital resources, and other special funds. ADB’s sovereign portfolio comprises 66 loans totaling $15.4 billion.”