POLicies focus on esg

Continuous Increase of renewable capacity addition.

Policies for reduction of hydrogen costs for implement of carbon pricing and monitoring  

Policies for drive down of battery and green hydrogen costs , inclusive of Nationwide drive for EV charging infrastructure rollout.

Educating and adoption of sustainable practices in agriculture.

Decarbonisation an  essential  factor  for achieving  UNFCCC using the quantitative tools of  (a) National Distribution Contributions ( NDCs ) &  (b) Global stairway ( GST) 

carbon emission

India  having low per-capita emissions (1.8 tons CO), but inspite this India  is the third-largest emitter globally, releasing a net 2.9 Gigatons of carbon-dioxide equivalent (GtCOe) annually as of 2019.

green house gas

carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapor 

scientists warns If carbon dioxide were removed, the terrestrial greenhouse effect would collapse, and Earth’s surface temperature would drop significantly, by approximately 33°C (59°F).


India’s ambitious decarbonisation journey holds immense potential, creating 287 gigatons of carbon space for the world—almost half of the global carbon budget for limiting warming to 1.5°C

Industry specific focus

Inside India bulk of these emissions (about 70 percent) are driven by six sectors: power, steel, automotive, aviation, cement, and agriculture 

line of sight ( LOS )


In the current LOS scenario, India could reduce annual emissions from a historical trajectory of 11.8 GtCOe to 1.9 GtCOe by 2070, achieving a 90 percent reduction in economic emissions intensity compared to 2019.

sustainable farming

Sustainable-farming practices could help generate additional farmer income of INR 3,400 per hectare/year in the LoS scenario, which could increase to INR 4,800 per hectare/year in the accelerated scenario. In this process India may save a cumulative $1.7 trillion in the foreign exchange, 


Environmental governance  for Redesigns, Remodels, & Improvements

However, in the last century, human activities, primarily from burning fossil fuels that have led to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, have disrupted Earth’s energy balance. This has led to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean. The level of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has been rising consistently for decades and traps extra heat near Earth’s surface, causing temperatures to rise.

green buildings 

infrastructure  aided with carbon sink 

balanced greenhouses gases for  sustainable   climate management  

More commitment to environment with prime focus  on carbon emission and  carbon sink therefore  to ensure proper level management  on green house gases  over wide variety of projects



evaluate Carbon Capture Usage and Storage  ( CCUS)  hubs across  Indian States where key  emitters production at large potentially in public–private partnership for utilisation for the  storage of captured carbon.



Create a national circularity mission with recycling hubs in the top 20 Indian cities that contributing 35 percent of municipal solid waste 



Mandate targets on recycling rates, recycled raw-material use (for example, blending norms), and landfill levies.

“India’s ambitious decarbonisation journey holds immense potential, creating 287 gigatons of carbon space for the world—almost half of the global carbon budget for limiting warming to 1.5°C”

“Analysis shows that for 800,000 years, atmospheric CO2 did not rise above 300 parts per million (ppm). But since the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 concentration has soared to its current level of nearly 420 ppm.Computer simulations, known as climate models, have been used to show what would have happened to temperatures without the massive amounts of greenhouse gases released by humans..”

“The Global stocktake (GST ) recognizes the science that indicates global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut 43% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But it notes Parties are off track when it comes to meeting their Paris Agreement goals.The stocktake calls on Parties to take actions towards achieving, at a global scale, a tripling of renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency improvements by 2030. The list also includes accelerating efforts towards the phase-down of unabated coal power, phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, and other measures that drive the transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, with developed countries continuing to take the lead.In the short-term, Parties are encouraged to come forward with ambitious, economy-wide emission reduction targets, covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories and aligned with the 1.5°C limit in their next round of climate action plans (known as nationally determined contributions) by early 2025..”