Professional conduct
The independent director according to the part I of the schedule IV must:-
- Sustain ethical standards.
- To be impartial while discharging his duties.
- Perform his responsibilities in the interest of the company.
- Allocate the necessary time to fulfil his professional obligations so as to facilitate him in an informed decision making.
- Not allow any unnecessary considerations that will hamper his independent judgment, while taking decisions for the benefit of the company.
- Not to abuse his position.
- Abstain from actions that would cause him to lose his independence.
- Assist the company in incorporating good corporate governance.

The Code is a guide to professional conduct for independent directors. Adherence to these standards by independent directors and fulfilment of their responsibilities in a professional and faithful manner will promote confidence of the investment community, particularly minority shareholders, regulators and companies in the institution of independent directors. I by clicking you are visiting a third party webpage source

Author Sa. Venkat Ramanujan is a Certified Environment Social Framework Specialist of Word Bank Group and also Certified Independent Director of IICA, Ministry of Corporate affairs , Govt of India .,
He is Member of Institute of Directors & All India Management Academy ( AIMA ) .,
He is Founder & CEO of Trust Infosys Incorporation – Govt. of India accredited startup venture ., A distinction holder in his Post graduate MBA studies and a sustained learner for three decades in the domains of engineering & infrastructure projects , international trade & contracts , data & cloud management , environmental, social & corporate governance.,
Environmentalist ., Voracious reader., interested in cats and dogs ., love Gardening ., reuse & recycler of natural resources .,
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