AT THE EVENT OF REGIONAL DIRECTORS’ CONCLAVE , “Board as a mentor in setting up the ESG roadmap in the New World Economy” held on 24th  Feb  2024(Saturday), (GRT Grand ) , T.Nagar, Chennai

With Former CM and MD of United India Assurance , Hon Regional Chairman IOD , Chennai Sri. G. Srinivasan , and Sri. Satyajit Tripathy CM & MD , United India Assurance and Institute of Directors , Regional Manager,Chennai Dr. Sundari Suresh participated the first session of the conclave and presented my speech on paper focussed on ” Advantage in ₹2 per Electricity unit in Green energy towards India achieving its carbon emission target of UNFCCC

A pragmatic proposal for ESG roadmap for COP 33 material content that highlights hardship India has to navigate towards carbon emission norms therefore to comply NDC that will be subject to Global Stock Take – GST review and India’s current execution of projects and proposed case study towards acceleration for UNFCCC target can be viewed or downloaded from below slide . :

In the morning session 40 minutes of speech can be viewed from below Link :

The discussion and exchange of ideas of contemporary need was organised by Dr. Sundari Suresh and her team that could be beneficial not just to corporates but also to society in creating awareness of global warming and impact of climate change .

Also in the event from their respective presentations pleased to aware of SBI, DBS , TVS , and other MNCs role towards their activities and ESG commitment .

I congratulated Dr.Sundari Suresh and her team for their thought provoking sessions and also thanked them for the greenery live plant that came with a note for maintenance and the artful memento presented during the event .